If I Can Redo My Engineering Career, This is what I Will Do in my 20s
If I can redo my engineering career,
this is what I will tell my 20-year-old self ...
1. Don't stay too long at your first job. Inflation is the enemy.
2. Don't interview only when you're switching jobs, be open to interviews all year round, and keep your skills in check✅.
3. Be bold enough to ask for more compensation every time you negotiate for a new job. Employers have the budget to pay you fairly even at a bear market.
4. See yourself as a business 🚀 , and start building your brand from Day 1. There is always someone cheaper, younger, and more motivated than you. Don't think you're irreplaceable.
5. Being a human Swiss army knife 🗡️ (aka generalist) in your niche industry doesn't always translate well in interviews. Most recruiters only care about your most recent achievements.
6. Job titles matter later in your career. Be tactful about how you structure your resume. Make your resume ATS compliant, and minimalistic, and have a general summary on top.
What are your takeaways from your career? 💼